This card is the smart, safe and easy way of paying and being paid. Your employee doesn’t need a bank account with this card. You simply pay funds into the card and they can spend and keep their salary safe.

Offer customers your company-branded prepaid card in partnership with Absa. When you offer your customers your company-branded prepaid card in partnership with Absa, you offer them the convenience of a transactional card without a bank account.

Card feature and benefits: 
  • Transactions must be approved by PIN before they are processed, adding extra security
  • The card can be used for online shopping like a debit or credit card
  • Multiple uploading choices through mobile money (Airtlel, MTN)
  • You can choose from transactional, rewards and gift cards
  • Your customer receives transactional and top-up text alerts
  • The card is accepted in over 30 million outlets in 150 countries
  • The card can be topped up remotely
Are you interested in prepaid cards? 

Fill out the form below and we will contact you to apply

Need more help?

Call us on:
0800 222 333 (Toll Free)
+256 (0) 312 218 348 (Network charges apply)

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